Saturday, June 20, 2009


"If you neglect to feed your spirit you will reap unhappiness."
-Elder Busche

Oh, is that what happened to my week?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thoughts on Service

At our recent Stake Conference our Stake President shared an experience. He had just put his baby daughter to bed and was doing the dishes when he felt a prompting to go check on her. He tried to ignore it, but after the third time he went to check on her. He found her legs were tangled in the crib rails, and quickly helped her get untangled. He commented that is wasn't life threatening but his insteraction simply made her more comforable. He suggested that most acts of service are like this, they aren't big and miraculous, but simply make life a little better for someone else.

His teaching just keeps coming to mind. I want to be more service minded. I know that my life would be enriched by reaching out to others more often.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My children are His children too

Last night, after a tiring day with imperfect and strong willed children, I knelt to pray & asked Heavenly Father to help me know what they needed. I felt a quiet assurance that they're supposed to be that way. They're children, they're learning, & they aren't supposed to be perfect yet.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fasting and prayers

On Fast Sunday in May I fasted that I would know how to be a better mother to Amber; that I would know how to motivate her. Immediately, when I began my fast, Amber decided start making better choices. I was amazed that because of my fasting, the Lord inspired Amber to be more motivated, thus simplifying my work as the middle-man. As a result, my love for Amber was renewed.

My testimony of fasting was strengthened and I actually looked forward to the next Fast Sunday! Can you believe it?

This fast Sunday I fasted and prayed that Rich would know how to best provide for our family. This is an issue that weighs heavily on me. This week Richard has been meeting with college advisors at BYU-Idaho to help him decide if he's going to change his major or not. Coincidence? I think not.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Swimming lessons & prayers

Amber and Kate are taking swimming lessons this week at Green Canyon. Yesterday, during Amber's 4th lesson (on her 2nd day), I noticed her sitting alone at the shallow end of the pool crying, while her class went on. My mommy heart ached for her. I wanted to save her from her sad situation. Her teacher was pushing her to do hard things and she was scared. I considered having them move her down a level, but her teacher assured me she is a good swimmer and was in the right level. She just lacked confidence.

That night I prayed that she would feel more confident and happy in her class. I reminded her of the primary motto which says in part, "I can pray anytime, anywhere." I told her she can even pray in a swimming pool. I asked her what would be a good reward for swimming the short length of the pool. She proposed a grandma date to go to City Hall. (That's a fairly easy wish to grant).

She did much better today. She told me in-between her two classes today, "Mom, I said a prayer when I was scared and it worked!" She assured me that she swam all the way across the pool today, but I didn't see it. I'll be watching more closely tomorrow.